
Using my wealth of expertise and experience, I organize high quality endurance sports clinics that can also be combined with a presentation for smaller or larger groups of people.

I lead active training sessions that focus on the right techniques and the right goal setting, to enable my clients to proceed to higher performance levels, helped along by my enthusiasm and dedication.

My clinic will challenge you both physically and mentally. It will be an unique experience that zooms in on focus, effort and technique. The clinics are suitable for beginners and professionals alike and take into account the desired level and content.



If you would like to organize a clinic for your group of friends, club, association or school, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Every clinic is tailormade given your available facilities, the number of participants and the desired content. Please see below for a list of possible clinics.

Cycling clinic

The Cycling Clinic covers all the various aspects of bike riding and racing. What is the most efficient and optimal training to achieve your goals?
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.

Run clinic

This clinic helps you to improve your running and make it more efficient. It covers both running posture and running techniques, to help you reach your goals more efficiently.
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.

Skating clinic

You learn how to skate like a pro (inline or ice) and other tips to improve your skating technique.
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.

Swim clinic

Improve your swimming technique for an open water endurance swimming event or a triathlon. A good swimming technique saves a lot of energy and power and makes the swim all the more fun and efficient.
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.

Triathlon clinic

You want to toe the starting line of a 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or even IM-distance triathlon with more confidence? Let me teach you the techniques to clock faster times or achieve certain goals.
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.

Spinning clinic

A spinning clinic gives you the ins and outs of spinning as a way to improve or keep your fitness as you prepare for a race or if you just want to stay fit in the winter and start the spring cycling season in good shape.
Duration 1 to max. 2.5 hours.